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The Battle of the Scones!

The Daisy Cottage Farm Shop

I am the Queen of Scones!

The Queen of Scones – the title which the winner of our weekly “Battle of the Scones” can put on their CV! The Battle of the Scones has been catching the imagination of the inhabitants of Baltinglass, Kiltegan and Hackettstown for 10 weeks since the depths of the Lockdown!

Each week, we ask our followers on Facebook to choose the special guest flavour they would like to see on the Green in Kiltegan each Saturday and the response is always huge! One lucky person who helps to pick the winning flavour each week gets a gift box of 6 of the winning flavour. When we ask for votes, we ask voters to nominate who they would share the scones with. Why do we do this? Baking is all about togetherness – the chats you have over a scone and a cup of tea with your friend, Mam, Dad, brother, or sister – these are the precious experiences which we cherish long into the future!

It’s not just the scones which help to create memories – our range of baking mixes are perfect to help your children to learn to bake! Our scone mix makes 6 delicious scones – you’re getting all of Lorraine’s baking experience…bottled! Your kids are sure to remember making a mess and then sitting down with Mam or Granny to make some scones! Check out our Complete Baking Hamper for all you need to get started.

You can find the Daisy Cottage range of baking mixes in selected retailers and NeighbourFood markets in the Southeast and online from our website at We also have an exciting announcement about a new retailer – stay tuned!

Our previous Battle of the Scones competitors:

  Strawberry & White Chocolate vs. Mixed Berry
  Pear & Almond vs. Cherry
  Apple & Blackcurrant vs. Fresh Orange & Chocolate Chip
  Blueberry & Lemon vs. Apple & Cinnamon
  Pecan & Maple vs. Chocolate, Orange & Cranberry
  Pear & Raspberry vs. Rhubarb & Ginger
  Strawberry & Ginger vs. Apple & Blackcurrant
Sultana & Lemon vs. Strawberry & White Chocolate
Mixed Berry vs. Orange & Cranberry
Rhubarb & Ginger vs. Pecan & Maple
4 July 2020 Chocolate, Fresh Orange & Cranberry vs. Lemon & Blueberry
11 July 2020 Apple & Cinnamon vs. Lemon & Blueberry


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#GreenSaturday – Kiltegan – 20 June 2020

The Daisy Cottage Farm Shop

It’s time for another #GreenSaturday on the Green in Kiltegan!

Lorraine and Daisy Cottage Farm “Siopa Feirme” will be on the Green from 10am till 2pm (ish) with the same range you got to know from #GreenFriday over the past few weeks.


Make sure to get your orders in advance to avoid disappointment as products can sell out quickly!


Our range:

—Cakes, Tarts & Bracks—
🌞 Tea Bracks – large & small
🌞 Banana & Chocolate loaf – large & small
🌞 Carrot cakes – small
🌞 Apple tarts
🌞 Rhubarb tarts



Coffee & Vanilla – by the slice!

Death by Chocolate – by the slice!


Limited amounts of
🍰 Lemon Meringue Pie
🍰 Bannoffee Pie
🍰 Pavlova Cases


🧁Raspberry & White Chocolate


–Our cupcakes of the week–
🧁 Orange Chocolate Aero

🧁 Oreo


🍞 Plain Brown loaf – large & small
🍞 Seeded Brown loaf – large & small
🍞 Wheat-free loaf – small
🍞 White soda loaf – large
🍞 Fruit soda loaf – large
🍞 Cheese & Scallion loaf – large
🍞 Beer bread with red onion & cheese

🌞🌞Hey Pesto, our #GreenSaturday Loaf of the Week is Hey Pesto! With mozzarella and pesto


  • Quiche Lorraine
  • Smoked Salmon Quiche
  • Red Onion and Goat’s Cheese tartlets
  • Vegetarian Quiche – Cherry Tomato & Mozzarella
  • Chilli & Cheese Sausage Rolls – using Barry Johns Butcher’s Sausage Meat!
  • Vegetable Frittata


Our Scones:
🏆 The Battle of the Scones Winner– Mixed Berry or Orange and Cranberry🏆


–Jams etc:–
We’ll also have a selection of homemade jams, curds and marmalades on Friday along with
our award-winning Elderflower Cordial!


Special this week:

  • Rocket Pesto
    New Season Raspberry Jam
  • Strawberry & Elderflower Jam
  • Orange & Elderflower Marmalade
  • Blueberry and Lemon Jam



We will have our new homemade Cookies and Cream fudge (Vanilla and Chocolate Fudge with mini cookies going through it) along with the flavours you know and love:


Jellybean Fudge

Rocky Road

Mint Aero


We’ll also have a selection of reusable face masks.


A selection of vegan and gluten-free items will be available too, but these usually sell out fast, so it’s best to pre-order to avoid disappointment!

Gluten-Free Jambons
Gluten-Free Bread
Mixed Berry Scones
Raspberry and Lemon Cake
Gluten Free Quiche
Nectarine & Orange Tartlets
Gluten Free Apple Tart

The closing time for orders (via the form below, Facebook Messenger or 086-3177146) is 6 pm today.

Delivery – if you are no able to get along on the day, give Lorraine a call 😊

Rest assured, we will be following the correct procedures about social distancing and hand sanitizing – contactless payments are available!

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Website Order”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”What would you like to order?” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]


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A gorgeous thank you card!

You know that you’ve arrived when you are known just by your first name! Lorraine Aspill, baker extraordinaire of Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow has joined the illustrious company of Oprah and Beyoncé!

Lorraine met the postman at the Daisy Cottage Farm gate yesterday morning who gave her this letter, saying it must be for her as there is only one Lorraine in Kiltegan after all. An Post will never surprise us!


What was inside? It was only a lovely handmade thank you card from Holly in Ballymore Eustace, Co. Wicklow! Will you just look at her writing and drawing skills? ❤️❤️❤️

Holly’s Granny and Lorraine are proud members of the Early Risers club who listen to Shay Byrne on Rising Time on RTÉ Radio 1 from 5.30 am each morning. Holly and her Granny made the Daisy Cottage Farm brown bread which she got in Aldi (well before the lockdown! 🙈). The lovely loaf of brown bread was waiting to be enjoyed with some butter and jam over a cup of tea with her Granny – so sweet! ❤️

But the loaf disappeared to Holly’s disappointment and she still doesn’t know what happened to it! Lorraine heard the news and sent Holly one of her complete baking hampers with all Holly needed to get baking again! We’re loving the good vibes – all through Shay Byrne and Rising Time.

Just to let Holly know that Rudy the baby turkey is now living with Mrs. Muscovy and her 15 ducklings. (Rudy thinks he is a duckling – so cute xxx)

Just to let Holly know – Rudy the baby turkey is now living with Mrs. Muscovy and her 15 ducklings! He thinks he is a duckling – so cute!

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Daisy Cottage Farm Elderflower Cordial

Fresh Elderflowers

Daisy Cottage Farm Elderflower Cordial – did you know?

The Elderflower – a beautiful flower with lots of uses. Traditionally used in the treatment of hay fever, rheumatism, and the common cold.  Did you know it was known as the “village pharmacy”?

An Award-Winner

Here at Daisy Cottage Farm we use the elderflower to produce our gold award-winning Elderflower Cordial. We were so pleased to get the award and the beautiful trophy designed by Clonmel’s Philippe Hetier at last year’s National Artisan Food Awards at the Clonmel Agricultural Show!

Fresh Elderflowers

A true Multi-Tasker!

The Daisy Cottage Farm Elderflower Cordial is a beautifully flavoured cordial with many uses:


  • Fold some into whipped cream before we put the cream on a pavlova with strawberries.
  • Enjoy it drizzled over ice-cream.
  • One of the basic ingredients in our overnight oats.
  • Enjoy it as a refreshing drink – mix it with water, soda water or sparkling water.
  • A chilled Elderflower Bellini is the perfect way to enjoy a Summer’s evening.
  • And of course, who could resist a splash of Elderflower Cordial in a Gin and Tonic?


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#GreenSaturday – Kiltegan – 06 June 2020

The Daisy Cottage Farm Shop

This Saturday is not just Saturday it’s the first #GreenSaturday on the Green in Kiltegan!

Lorraine and Daisy Cottage Farm “Siopa Feirme” will be on the Green from 10am till 2pm (ish) with the same range you got to know from #GreenFriday over the past few weeks.

Make sure to get your orders in advance to avoid disappointment as products can sell out quickly!

Our range for #GreenSaturday:

—Cakes, Tarts & Bracks—

🌞 Tea Bracks – large & small
🌞 Banana & Chocolate loaf – large & small
🌞 Carrot cakes – small
🌞 Apple tarts
🌞 Rhubarb tarts


Coffee Gateau – by the slice!
Strawberry & White Chocolate Gateau – by the slice!


Limited amounts of
🍰 Lemon Meringue Pie
🍰 Bannoffee Pie
🍰 Pavlova Cases



Our cupcakes of the week

🧁 Oreo
🧁 Lemon Curd with a Gin & Tonic Icing


🍞 Plain Brown loaf – large & small
🍞 Seeded Brown loaf – large & small
🍞 Wheat-free loaf – small
🍞 White soda loaf – large
🍞 Fruit soda loaf – large
🍞 Cheese & Scallion loaf – large
🍞 Beer bread with red onion & cheese
🌞🌞Our #SuperSaturday Loaf of the Week – Sundried Tomato, Olive & Rosemary🌞🌞


• Quiche Lorraine
• Smoked Salmon Quiche
• Red Onion and Goat’s Cheese tartlets
• Vegetarian Quiche – Cherry Tomato & Mozzarella
• Chilli & Cheese Sausage Rolls – using Barry Johns Butcher’s Sausage Meat!
• Vegetable Frittata

Our Scones:

🏆 The Battle of the Scones Winner– Strawberry & Ginger vs. Apple & Blackcurrant 🏆

Jams etc.

We’ll also have a selection of homemade jams curds and marmalades tomorrow along with our award-winning Elderflower Cordial!

Special this week:
Rocket Pesto
Cherry Tomato Chutney
Strawberry & Elderflower Jam
Orange & Elderflower Marmalade

We will have our new homemade Jellybean Fudge, Rocky Road fudge, Malteser fudge, Raspberry Fudge and Mint Aero fudge too along with a selection of reusable face masks.

Gluten Free:

A selection of vegan and gluten-free items will be available too, but these usually sell out fast, so it’s best to pre-order to avoid disappointment!

Gluten-Free Jambons
Gluten-Free Bread
Mixed Berry Scones
Raspberry and Lemon Cake
Gluten Free Quiche
Nectarine & Orange Tartlets
Gluten Free Apple Tart


The closing time for orders (via the form below, Facebook Messenger or 086-3177146) is 6 pm today, 05 June!

Delivery – if you are not able to get along on the day, give Lorraine a call

Rest assured, we will be following the correct procedures about social distancing and hand sanitizing.

We accept contactless payments and of course cash!

Looking forward to seeing you on tomorrow x